While the real estate market is full of uncertainty, there is one thing that is for sure: If you are buying or selling a home in the Bay Area, you should work with Judy Citron. Why, you should ask? Judy is a good listener. All the properties she showed me were in my desired style, size, location, and price. She did not waste my time taking me to places that did not meet my requirements.
Judy is extremely market-knowledgeable. She provided useful analysis and insight regarding historic pricing, current trends, and so forth, well beyond the usual surface information provided by other agents. Judy is an excellent communicator. She was honest and straightforward, very responsive to phone and email messages, explained everything in an easy to understand way, and was extremely patient with my endless questions.
Judy is dependable, reliable, and trustworthy. She knows the process inside and out, forwards and backwards. She has a can do attitude. Nothing slips through the cracks. No matter the obstacle, she keeps things moving in a positive direction. Judy is a builder. She has an eye for home design and experience with construction, building materials, and such the like.
She provided helpful information regarding potential improvements, their costs, and their impact on resale value. Judy is a fantastic negotiator. She got my place below the list price with the deal being so good that my neighbors were simply amazed. Judy is truly an advocate. Beyond her strong competence, you can tell that she is looking out for your best interests.
She was always encouraging but never pushy and it felt very safe to go through the process with her. Before buying my home, friends warned me to expect stress, worry, and anxiety. But it didn’t feel that way at all. Somehow Judy managed to make the experience even pleasant. Like magic. She’s the best.