Judy and Talia offer all you could hope for from a Realtor, and more! Judy is clearly a seasoned expert in all aspects of preparing a home for the market, comparative analysis, pricing, negotiating, and counseling buyers and sellers alike. I met Judy when she was representing the seller of the condo I purchased in Menlo Park.
It was instantly apparent that she was top-of-the-line in terms of knowledge and ethics, with a warm and personable demeanor as well. I’m a fan of the no-nonsense approach, especially when it comes to residential real estate. I was very eager to have her list my home in Redwood City. I was cautioned by others that she might not give my entry-level home much attention.
Nothing could be further from the truth. She and Talia somehow manage to be completely hands on with preparing a home for market, without being pushy. They made the process so easy, referring and securing help where needed, example given handyman, landscaper and booking a wonderful staging company.
I had multiple offers within a week, and sold in 30 days just over the top of the range I had considered possible. Most importantly, they made it all easy and inspired confidence every step of the way. What a good feeling to know you have made the right choice in representation for the sale of your home. I would enthusiastically refer friends or family to Judy, knowing they would receive the best advice, service, and care.