We started looking for a home over 17 months before we found one. Early in the process we met Judy at a house she was selling and were impressed by her rich knowledge of the neighborhoods and her candid comments about the trade-offs of different neighborhoods and properties. So, we started working with her. We were picky and took a long time to find something and Judy was patient, supportive, and clear-sighted the whole time. Whenever we thought we found a candidate, my partner would say, “let’s find out what Judy thinks” because her opinion became a trusted reference for us.
Judy really knows her territory. When we would call and mention street names, she almost always knew the street and had thoughts about how loud it is, how much of a thoroughfare and how nice the neighborhood is. She saved us many weekend trips to open houses when she knew a property wasn’t going to work for us. As our criteria evolved, she adjusted her recommendations.
We knew we had a gem when we would go to open houses and drop her name to the selling Realtors and they all knew and respected her. Buying a home is tricky business and we felt like we had an ace up our sleeve with Judy as our Realtor. Judy’s skills really came through when we finally made an offer in Palo Alto – our first offer – and got our home. There were many offers and she advised us carefully helping us win it by a hair.